Elije las clases que más te gusten y reserva tu plaza abonando tan solo el 50% del total por Bizum al +34 657010124. Podrás abonar el resto el primer día de clases en efectivo.
Recuerda enviarnos un mail a info@el-puntazo.com para confirmar tu inscripción o, si todavía no eres alumn@, apúntate aquí abajo!
Las plazas son limitadas y el año pasado VOLARON! Además hasta el 14.05 tienes un descuento de 10 euros sobre el MAGIC PACK!
Choose your favourite classes and pack. Book your spot by sending us an e-mail to info@el-puntazo.com to notify your payment. You will just have to pay 50% of the total amount via Bizum (+34 657010124) or paypal (@francescavtango), you can pay cash the second half of your purchase the first classday of the event.
If you are a new students please register by filling out the form in the botton here below.
Remember spots are limited and last year they were sold out very quickly! Moreover you will have a 10 euros discount over your MAGIC PACK if you register before 14th May.
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